Nature protection-the decision on Albania’s membership in the International Union is approved
At the last meeting of the government was discussed the agreement on Albania’s membership in the IUCN-International Union for the protection of Nature, which will then be passed to the Assembly. The news was made public during a communication for the media, the Minister of Tourism and Environment, Mirela Kumbaro, who said that ” for the first time Albania becomes a member as a state, which gives it fuller rights within the organization, but especially ensures US exchange both in decision-making of this organization at the world level as well as the opportunity for exchanges of better experiences in what we have already set as a priority: sustainable development in Environmental Protection “Protection of Protected Areas and their return not only to the values of the ecosystem, but especially in natural tourist destinations that provide us with an extension of the tourist season beyond the summer one, but also an extension in the territory”.
According to Minister Kumbaro, this is a commitment to a higher level of promises and work of the Albanian government in what it has considered a priority: the environment and protected areas. In this context, she brought to attention the work for the declaration of Vjosa National Park, which is already in the second phase of work on the managed plan of the area. The Minister of Tourism and Environment stressed that all these promises go in parallel with Albania’s commitments in the international climate change plan, underlining that Albania will participate in the COP28 climate change leaders summit, which will be held on December 1 in Dubai.