“BioTourS” Biodiversity and Tourism Strategy to protect cetaceans

“BioTourS” Biodiversity and Tourism Strategy to protect cetaceans
📍Interreg IPA CBC Italy -Albania – Montenegro “Biodiversity and Tourism Strategy for the Protection of Whales and Dolphins – BioTourS”. 🐬🤗 This project aims to raise awareness on eco-tourism in the Adriatic and Ionian Seas through the dissemination of scientific knowledge on Whale and Dolphin conservation. As part of this project, the National Tourism Agency will organize a Youth Camp “Seeker for a day” focused on marine research activities for the conservation of whales and dolphins through an activity intertwined between sea observation of dolphin habitat and the workshop that will be held by the team of the main project partner, specialized in this field, Ionian Dolphin Conservation and other experts in the field of marine biology.
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