Vlora - Albania

Vlora, the city on the edge of the Adriatic and Ionian

The city of Vlora is one of the most beautiful cities of Albania, where the blueness of the sea, the beauty of nature, with the mountain and rocky slopes of the rugged coast of the south of the country, are combined.

Considered the pearl of Albanian tourism, Vlora lies on the Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea, in southwestern Albania, about 135 km away from Tirana. It is bordered to the north by Fier, to the east by Mallakastra and Tepelenë, while to the south with Saranda and Gjirokastra.

In antiquity Vlora was known as Aulona, and is mentioned by many foreign travelers and chroniclers, as one of the main cities of Southern Illyria, which flourished after the fall of Apollonia and Orik. The importance of Vlora grew even further as the independence of Albania was declared in this city, by the Ottoman Empire, in 1912.

Among the most visited attractions within the city is the historic Museum of Independence, the sea terrace of Teqea of Kuzum Baba, located on a hill above the city, Murade mosque, near Vlora -Skelë boulevard, in the archaeological area near Flag Square, The Jewish Street etc.

The Narte Lagoon represents one of the largest and most important lagoons of Albania, which is located at the southern end of the coastal Plains. This lagoon along with the island of Zvernec and the Forest of Soda are located a few kilometers from the city of Vlora, in its northwestern part and creates an impressive and unique natural ensemble. Here is Triport, a natural beauty unexplored by visitors.

The Monastery of Saint Mary on the island of Zvërnec constitutes an interesting pool of attraction for visitors and can be accessed through a narrow wooden bridge; The Castle of Canina, in the Southeastern part of the city, from which you can admire the bay of Vlora, the coastal plain and the lower valley of Shushica.

The coasts of Vlora are the enchanting postcard of the Albanian Riviera, which begins with the descent of the Llogara Neck and follows with the magical panorama of the broken line of the Ionian Riviera, which creates bays, islands, peninsulas, and numerous beaches, one more fabulous than the other.

Some of the most beautiful destinations of Vlora, treasures of the Albanian Riviera are: Karaburun Peninsula, the largest in Albania; Island of Sazan; Ancient Orik Park, Archaeological Park of Amantia as well as beautiful coastal villages and uncharted caves on the Ionian Sea, fortress of Porto Palermo in Himarë.

Vlora is the second largest port city after Durres, an important commercial and maritime center in Albania.

Vlora is the circle where all forms of relief alternate between them, such as the low field, hill, and mountain. Two of the cultural heritage values that the Vlora region carries are also the Vlora Polyphony, considered UNESCO asset, or Vlora civic songs. Vlora, for its many values and thanks to its geographical location is visited by tourists all year round, offering several types of tourism such as cultural, historical, mountain, sport, coastal, etc.

In recent years, Vlora has had a great development in the tourism aspect, as the beauty of its nature is discovered day by day as hotels, and restaurants are developed near the diverse attractions and beautiful beaches.

Vlora as a destination for your vacation is an intelligent choice, as the magic of this blue city makes it difficult to return to everyday life.


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